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How to Book an Appointment

Bookings for a dementia diagnosis and management and/or comprehensive geriatric assessment require a referral from your GP; this helps us allocate the right amount of time for your visit and advise on fees.

A booking will be made once we receive your referral.

Private appointments and home visits


For our Camperdown clinic, including private appointments, research follow-up visits and home visits, you can reach us on 02 9067 6276.

Please send referrals via:

Fax: 02 8324 9137




For Orange, please call reception on 02 6369 7163 or fax your referral to 02 6809 7970.

Research program

If you think you might qualify for the Healthy Brain Ageing Clinic research program, please download our information and referral form to discuss with your GP.

For research program enquiries and bookings:

Phone: 02 9114 4002

Fax: 02 9351 0551


How we can help

inhouse clinics offers specialist care for adults of all ages with concerns about a decline in their cognition.

Patient Information

For those looking for a geriatrician accepting new patients, or adults of all ages with concerns about a decline in their cognition, Dr Ireland offers specialist care in Camperdown and Orange.