Dementia Diagnosis and Management
There are many misconceptions about dementia, including the incorrect beliefs that it is a normal part of ageing, that there is nothing that can be done about declining cognition or dementia, and that there is no point in seeing a specialist about it.
However, approaching these concerns proactively can provide numerous benefits. A cognitive assessment may provide significant relief if there are other explanations for your concerns or if contributing factors can be identified and treated early.
Where dementia does appear likely, seeking a diagnosis will lead to a management plan based on your priority goals and concerns. This may include support to address health or lifestyle factors that may allow improvement or stability as well as access to medications available for dementia where appropriate. Support, education and planning for you and your family, and the opportunity to talk through what is happening, is an important part of our work.
How we can help
Staying in touch with a clinic such as ours keeps you connected to developments in the enormous global effort to find effective treatment and management strategies for dementia. Importantly, it also means you can have your concerns managed as they arise within a team-based approach, with you and your family at the centre. We provide ongoing support and not just a diagnosis.
For some patients with early dementia, it can be appropriate to consider our research program, others may be best served by private assessment.
What is a cognitive assessment?
A cognitive assessment includes discussion of the problems you have noticed in the context of your general health (including sleep, stress levels, lifestyle, medications and supplements), followed by testing of your abilities using validated assessment tools. A more complete assessment (two or more hours of testing) is sometimes required or desired and is conducted by a neuropsychologist. Further investigations may include blood tests, scans and sleep studies.
A limited (one hour) neuropsychological assessment is included for those participating in our research program. If you are coming to see Dr Ireland privately, she will discuss any need for further testing with you and can refer to a neuropsychologist.
Patient information
For those looking for a geriatrician accepting new patients, or adults of all ages with concerns about a decline in their cognition, Dr Ireland offers specialist care in Camperdown and Orange.
Located within a centre of research excellence at the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre, we are dedicated to helping you feel clear about your cognitive health and what you can do to support it.
Book an appointment
Bookings for a cognitive assessment and/or dementia diagnosis require a referral from your GP, this helps us allocate the right amount of time for your visit and advise on fees. A booking will be made once we receive your referral.